Increase engagement and exceed your goals with document communication

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Does your company struggle with employee engagement and a heavy meeting culture? If so, you aren’t alone. HubSpot’s 2022 Hybrid Work Report report shared that 70% of employees believe calls and meetings are disruptive to their concentration and 58% feel at least half their meetings could be an email. When it comes to communication and collaboration tools, 28% of employees want their companies to invest in them and 35% of managers reported a need for them.

It isn’t a surprise that employees want an upgrade to their communication tools and less meetings. Traditional types of communication– like emails, meetings, and slide decks don’t cut it anymore. Employees want communication that provides clarity and focus but not at the expense of their time.

Let’s take a look at how asynchronous document communication with audio and video can help mitigate these challenges, build a stronger culture, and decrease meetings.

How to personalize with audio and video

At AirDeck, we know personalization and engagement are key to successful communications. That’s why our platform allows you to add audio and video to any document within minutes. This gives you full control over your content and your colleagues the ability to view it when it’s convenient for them.

Did you know?:

  • Adding audio or video content to a static document can drive five times more engagement to the image while combining a video can drive up to 80% more engagement.
  • Listeners remember stories up to 22 times more than facts and figures alone.

Audio and video can level up several areas of communication within your company. With AirDeck, you can personalize an employee onboarding presentation within minutes. Simply add a welcome message with audio or video to each presentation. This makes your new employees feel welcomed and excited about joining your team.

When it comes to Open Enrollment, you can use audio or video to add new levels of clarity to your benefits documents. Use your voice to add a personality to your documents or tell a story of why benefits are valuable. Stories can make an impact and increase benefit enrollments.

Create engagement and exceed company goals

High engagement in your workforce is integral to meet or exceed your department and company goals. You can increase engagement through regular asynchronous check-ins. For example, send a video your employees can watch and respond to when they have time. Videos leave nothing up to interpretation, are more impactful than an email, and don’t require a meeting.

Improve operational efficiency

No one enjoys documenting procedures, but due to internal promotions, turnover, or other circumstances, it is a necessity. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) can increase efficiency, quality output, uniformity of performance, and reduce miscommunication.

When it comes to SOPs, AirDeck allows you to record your voice and use a laser pointer to show employees where to go, fields to complete, etc. This provides new levels of clarity and reduces any confusion. Keep all of your process documents in one centralized library, right in AirDeck, for safekeeping. When you need to update the process, simply switch out the impacted slide or record new audio or video per slide. No need to re-record the whole deck.

Stand out with AirDeck

We would love to show you how to increase employee engagement while decreasing the number of meetings you have. Learn how AirDeck can transform your communications. Request a demo today.

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