What’s new at AirDeck: January 2023 Updates

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A more organized and intuitive design awaits you plus completely revamped Reports and Analytics!

We want to provide you with better access to insights at your fingertips. That’s why January’s update focused on enhanced design features and a more intuitive analytics interface. Let’s dive into this month’s updates that aim to give you a more intuitive and accessible platform experience.

A more intuitive and organized design

We moved the green “Create New” button from the side library panel to within your content area. This more intuitive and organized design keeps the “Create New” button in the same area where your content will live.

Consolidated menus simplify options

We updated the 3-dot menus on slide thumbnails and slide cards in Studio View and Studio Grid View to simplify the options available. This also consolidates the designs with the rest of the platform and makes it easier for you to make your selections.

Reports and Analytics have moved!

Your reports have moved from the Dashboard to the NEW Analytics.

Plus, easily toggle between My Analytics and TEAMS Analytics from the upper left corner to view your data versus your team’s data.

Easily access your overall analytics

We updated the analytics interface to allow for more detailed analytic views. Drill down your analytics with a new tabbed interface. Switch between decks, forms, contacts, and map views. We also added a recent deck views section to show the three most recently viewed decks. This helps simplify your views for easier access.

Dive into your individual deck analytics

Hover over a deck and click on the blue “View Analytics” button to see complete analytics for that specific deck. This allows you to check out individual deck views and see slide-by-slide engagement more easily.

See which decks have the highest engagement at a glance

We also added a new analytic type– Average Completion Rate scale. This shows the completion of your deck based on total view time. So, you can understand which decks have the highest engagement at a quick glance.

Other highlights

We added a new search bar on your reports so you can easily find decks, contacts, or forms that relate to your keyword.

There’s more!

Along with these major updates, we’ve also released other minor feature improvements and fixes to enhance your AirDeck experience. Here are some highlights:


  • Analytics – Major analytics overhaul with new interface, reports, etc.
  • Toggle for My Analytics and TEAMS analytics now under new location in top left header
  • Default date range now set to Last 30 Days
  • “Total Views” is now “Views”
  • “Unique Views” is now “Viewers”
  • Added “Recent Deck Views” section to show three most recently viewed decks
  • Drill down to different analytics through new tabbed interface. (Decks, Forms, Contacts, Map view)
  • New analytic type: Average Completion Rate scale – shows completion of deck based on total view time
  • View Form completions by total responses, or now filter by the individual responder
  • Search bar added for tabbed content
  • Library – Using the browser’s back button now clears Search results
  • Library – Increased character length cut-off for Folder titles
  • Library – Adjusted “Create New” button locations and modified text to “Add New”
  • Studio – Added error message for timed out or corrupted audio
  • Studio – Updated 3-dot Action menu to simplify options
  • Studio – Removed unneeded warning message when inserting Video into a deck from the Library
  • Studio – Changed color of audio tool when disabled in light mode
  • Misc. – Surveys now track whether a viewer has already completed a required survey across multiple views
  • Misc. – Sharing screens now verify email syntax before sending

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